Its been 6 weeks after uni had started...
And I haven't been updating my blog for so long...
Kinda neglected it...
And just realised that the no. of viewers to my blog have kinda stagnal.
Oh well....
Ever since uni started...
Things dont seems to turn out the way I thought...
I thought by applying civil engineering in nus...
I could endure my lack of interest in the course and complete it...
And get the cert. for the sake of getting one.
But now... I totally can't... I've realised that I couldn't deceive myself anymore...
Cos' I've been deceiving myself on many things for the past 5 yrs or maybe more...
Now I wanna do what I want and follow my heart...
Currently am in a total lost now...
Having to think many things and plans for my future in just a few weeks...
Should I---->
1. Continue study civil engineering even if I fail any module.
2. Change course to biz.
3. Quit school if I fail any module and cant change course.
4. Go work 1st for 1 yr?
5. Go work till the next local uni application start and apply biz.
6. Go work and study at private uni.
7. Go private uni and study...
8. Or just work forever...
Which I think plan 8 well be totally out if I wanna have a good life...
More or less my heart have decided to quit if I cant change course...
Hopefully my dad wont be angry...