Sunday, March 18, 2007

Have you ever had such a feeling?
What feeling am I saying, I guess you must be asking this.
Well its some indescribable kind; at least for me...

Let me tell you a story...

Here goes... Listen carefully...

Once there's this person... His was in love with this certain thing...
And got it and had it company him most of the time...
Never be seperated...
(Though the time being together is short)
One day... Something happened and he left the thing...

After a few years... he once again saw the thing...
Wondering inside, should he get it back?
But his confuse of the feeling he had; was it fake or real.
If its real, then should he get the thing back?
And his afraid he might find better thing in the future and hurt the thing if he decided to get it back.
See things do have feelings too...
Till now his confused...

So What Do You Think He Should Do?
Or what kind of advise can you give?